Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

I was watching TV last night when I heard this question asked during an interview of a baseball player and I thought it would be an interesting and fun question to pose to everybody on here. In this age of digital music and smart phones, we all carry our music around with this everywhere that […]

I just wanted to ask a quick question as it crossed my head and I had five minutes to write something while my little buddy Liam was taking a nap, so here it is:   What is your favorite song lyric or line from a song? We all have song lyrics we remember that stick […]

Thanks for all the answers and input from yesterday’s question. In case you missed it, it was: What is your go-to karaoke song? Now, I don’t karaoke. I’m way too shy and self-conscious, not to mention that I can’t sing a lick. I know a lot of people do it anyway that can’t sing; they […]

National Day Calendar

Fun, unusual and forgotten designations on our calendar.

Jennifer Probst

a little bit naughty a little bit nice

Laissez Faire

Letting Life Lead

What To Have For Dinner Tonight

Simple and delicious dinner inspiration

simple cooking recipes

a blog to share with you the best

Forks and Passports

A blog about food, travel, and crossing things off your bucket list!

Cooking with Violet

if Alton Brown was a busy mom...

recollections of food

Recollections of food experiences that have helped shape my love for homely, wholesome, honest food